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Support Our Horses

The biggest single expense for the Cascade Vaulters is acquiring and maintain our horses.  While membership dues cover most of the month to month upkeep for our horses, (feed, board, basic vet care), extraordinary circumstances occasionally require extra funding. Two examples were the purchase in 2010 of our horse Royal and her oral surgery in 2011.  To support these important activities the Cascade Vaulters have established a "Horse Fund" that together with our club's dues help us pay these unusual bills.  
There are two ways that sponsors have directly support our club's horses in times of extraordinary need:
  • Cash Donation to the "Horse Fund"
  • Zero Interest Loan
Cash donations are the easiest and most flexible way to support our horses. Generally donations to the horse fund are held in reserve until needed to cover vet bills or expenses associated with acquiring a new horse (such as transportation, brand inspections, health certificates, new tack, etc.). The best way to make a donation is by check, through donations can also be made through PayPal.
(Please note that donations through PayPal incur an ~3% processing fee.)

By signing up to provide a Zero Interest Loan, you can help provide critical support to our horses when it is needed the most.   When an extraordinary expense or opportunity comes up club officers will contact sponsors an explain the situation. Sponsors then quickly provide funds (typically by a check made out to the Cascade Vaulters) to the club.  Zero Interest Loan have typically been repaid in full over six to twelve months as dues and other fund-raising activities allow. If you would like to become an on-call Zero Interest Loan sponsor, please contact our club officers .


  The Cascade Vaulters are a youth focused non-profit organization and member club of the American Vaulting Association.